Click on individual episodes below or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Youtube.
041- Life As It Happens: "My Juicy Personal Life"
Host Sam and Co-host Anthony discuss the ever flowing feminine energy present in the goddess known as Samantha Charles.
040- Sexual Healing: How Crying During Sex Will Lead You To God
“Ok but, seeing God in sex? I thought that was where God isn’t?” Host Sam and co-host Anthony discuss crying during sex and the healing power of release.
039- Unspoken Sexpectations
Host Sam and Co-host Anthony discuss the expectations around sex born from a real moment between the two. It’s no secret that the dance of sexual arousal between partners is a learning experience. As relationships grow and change, very often the frequency, passion, and dynamics around sex become vastly different than they were at the start.
038- Christian Mysticism: A Faith Perspective on Intuition, Sex, & God Within w/ Carrisa Johnsen
Join host Samantha & co-host Anthony as they chat with Carrisa Johnsen as she shares her take on the separation of God & religion, reconstructing & dismantling systems that are outdated, intuition & body wisdom, keeping it simple with spiritual practices, and so much more.
037- Sedona Listens: Finding Medicine in Retreat & Self-Reflection
Host Sam took a few days for a retreat in Sedona, Arizona and the lessons learned there will touch your heart.
036- Womb Healing Meditation
Enjoy this guided short meditation practice. Taking the time to connect with your womb space energetically greatly impact your relationship to your body and femininity.
035- What is a Womb Priestess? w/ Numana
As a womb priesterss, Numana wakes a woman up to the power between her legs. Her story tells the tale of a woman’s whose cycle was off; painful and erratic. But she took the time to understand her body, her cycle, and the energy of both.
034- People Pleasing: A Fancy Way To Say Self Abandonment
What is “people pleasing”? A lot of us are familiar with people pleasing, as some sort of personality trait. It’s funny we call this people pleasing, as opposed to what it really is…
033- Finding Release While Being Restrained: Surprising Lessons From Shibari
Host Sam and co-host Anthony discuss the art of Shibari and the lessons that came out of their experience. Shibari is the art of using ropes to tie humans in sensual ways, often for art, release, and healing.
032- Mystic Menstruation: How Psilocybin Can Support Your Womb, Cycle, & Sex
In this episode, you'll find out as we dive in to what microdosing can do for your healing and integration. Through discussions of Kali, religion, the menstrual cycle, and sexual history, microdosing becomes way more than anyone thought it could be.
031- Moon Menstruation: Lunar Cycle Syncing w/ Mary Hopper
As we continue March Menstrual Madness, Mary talks about her journey of falling in love with the moon and her 28 day cycle. The moon's phases all have different aspects and energies that connect with a woman's cycle.
030- Stop Working Out Like A Man w/ Nikki Pepper
Have you ever wondered why sometimes, as a woman, you are not able to work out as consistently as your male counterparts? The answer might be more obvious than you think...
029- Transforming Cycle Shame With Nutrition & Awareness w/ Renata Trebing
Host Sam, Guest Renata Trebing and Co-Host Anthony kick off March Menstruation Madness with talking about shame and awareness around nutrition with the feminine cycle.
028- Flowers, Bees, and Energies: Devotion in the Masculine & Feminine
Recognizing which energy a person gives and receives love out of, masculine or feminine, can help illuminate how you respond when you are or aren't feeling loved.
027- Pussy Plaster Parties, Shame, & Sisterhood w/ Leola
Sam & special guest Leola, of the Talk Tantra To Me Podcast, discuss their own sexual liberation journeys and personal narratives around the shame they've felt in their bodies, as well as the way they have developed deep connections through sisterhood.
026- Storytime: The Art Of Remembering Who The Fuck You Are w/ Ceseli
On this episode, Ceceli shares her story of how she joined the healing community and the events that led her down the path... some more shocking than others.
025- Honoring Yourself: A Beginner's Guide To Self Love & Self Pleasure
Every moment is an opportunity to feel love and pleasure. Sam teases the depth of self pleasure available as she opens the door to her own pleasure through an upcoming personal development experience.
024- Reclamation Retreat: The Art Of The Divine Feminine & Sacred Liberation
On this episode Sam & Stacey discuss the impact retreats can have in your healing journey and the power & transformation available in sisterhood, the importance of integration and tips for doing so!
023- Pussy Plaster Your Way To A Better Life
The world is filled with ways to shame women, and that shame builds up in a woman's pussy.
022- Emotional Sobriety w/ Amy Gurrero
Host Sam and Co-Host Anthony interview Amy Gurrero, a healer in the realm of the nervous system, emotional sobriety, and energetics.