Click on individual episodes below or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Youtube.

Samantha Charles Samantha Charles

039- Unspoken Sexpectations

Host Sam and Co-host Anthony discuss the expectations around sex born from a real moment between the two. It’s no secret that the dance of sexual arousal between partners is a learning experience. As relationships grow and change, very often the frequency, passion, and dynamics around sex become  vastly different than they were at the start.

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Samantha Charles Samantha Charles

036- Womb Healing Meditation

Enjoy this guided short meditation practice. Taking the time to connect with your womb space energetically greatly impact your relationship to your body and femininity.

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Samantha Charles Samantha Charles

035- What is a Womb Priestess? w/ Numana

As a womb priesterss, Numana wakes a woman up to the power between her legs. Her story tells the tale of a woman’s whose cycle was off; painful and erratic. But she took the time to understand her body, her cycle, and the energy of both.

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Samantha Charles Samantha Charles

027- Pussy Plaster Parties, Shame, & Sisterhood w/ Leola

Sam & special guest Leola, of the Talk Tantra To Me Podcast, discuss their own sexual liberation journeys and personal narratives around the shame they've felt in their bodies, as well as the way they have developed deep connections through sisterhood.

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