032- Mystic Menstruation: How Psilocybin Can Support Your Womb, Cycle, & Sex

Host Sam, guest Leslie Draffin, and co-host Anthony discuss microdosing psilocybin. How does someone go from a news anchor to a somatic psychadelic guide? In this episode, you'll find out as we dive in to what microdosing can do for your healing and integration. Psilocybin is a naturally occuring compound that can be used in medicine. Leslie discusses the ways microdosing can be used to enhance spiritual journeys and everyday experiences. Discussed is how Psilocybin is not a drug, as it is a naturally occurring substance, and often there are those who don't want to see it used in Western culture. Through discussions of Kali, religion, the menstrual cycle, and sexual history, microdosing becomes way more than anyone thought it could be. 


Use the code SISTER for 2months free to the Sanctuary, the membership for mystical women who want to use microdosing as a way to unlock deep inner healing and embodiment through sisterhood. After your first two months, it's $55/month. 

Check out Leslie's free beginner's guide to microdosing

Solid Book Recs:
Psilocybin Handbook for Women- Jennifer Chesak
Awakening Shakti- Sally Kempton
When God Was A Woman- Merlin Stone
Chalice & The Blade-- Riane Eisler

Listen Next:
016- Trauma Is Stored In The Body: Why Movement Is Key To Healing & Talk Therapy Is Only Half The Journey
018- Ditching Shame For Better Sex & More Freedom

Thank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @thesomaticpriestess


033- Finding Release While Being Restrained: Surprising Lessons From Shibari


031- Moon Menstruation: Lunar Cycle Syncing w/ Mary Hopper