You Can’t Find This Anywhere
"I can't tell you HOW healing your workshop was" she said crying as she spoke
A sister reached out recently, in tears, about how healing my workshop was for her. Originally, she was worried other women at the workshop were going to think her yoni is ugly and secretly judge her, especially after coming from a relationship where her partner disliked her yoni to the point she surgically altered her appearance.
Reflecting on her bravery and vulnerability she cried unexpectedly at the thought of just HOW healing it was... Having the gold casting of her yoni, she feels so proud and embraces it, when her friends ask to see it she proudly shows them, and each time it builds more confidence, love, & appreciation for her yoni.
A lot of people share, educate, and host workshops on embodiment & healing the divine feminine. There are a lot of tantric practices that provide incredible healing. But no one includes a tangible reminder of this experience with the most shamed part of the human body, the yoni, the p.ssy, the source of life itself.
She is literally a portal between worlds and we shame her.
This is why I do the work that I do.
If you want to heal your relationship with your body and be so confident that you’ll show off your yoni-casting to all your friends with PRIDE like she did, then do whatever it takes to make it to the next workshop.