I Didn’t Know She Could Be Beautiful
A sister that attended my last workshop called to tell me that she had really low hopes for the event, she even considered not coming, but she’s really glad she came because it’s changed her life forever.
“Oh really? Tell me more” I said.
For starters, she felt like a weight was lifted off, a weight of insecurity from a lifetime of shame. Women hold so much body shame, and our yoni takes the brunt of it.
What does yoni mean? Yoni is a Sanskrit word, translated it means womb, vulva, origin, source– also known as the divine passage or sacred temple. So we use that word to hold reverence for the sacredness held in the workshop experience of yoni-casting (creating a plaster mold of the yoni).
Then, she goes on to tell me that her roommate asked her “Why are you so happy?” when she came home from the workshop. She laughed and said she thinks she traumatized her roommate by showing her without any warning the plaster molding of her yoni-casting.
She has her casting displayed with pride next to her desk. As art, as an act of reclamation, and most importantly as a reminder.
“I didn’t know it could be beautiful.” she shared.
When she first sat down at the workshop she was so scared, insecure, and felt out of place. Comparing her size to everyone else, comparing her knowledge to everyone else, in fear of being judged and ridiculed.
Within the first 20 minutes of the 5 hour workshop she began to feel more confident and safe. That it was ok for everyone to move the way they moved, it was ok to be different & unique, and she began to feel safe to express herself and move in ways that felt foreign.
For the first time she felt at home, wanted, and like she belonged. She felt held in sisterhood and has seen what’s possible for the relationships she gets to call into her life moving forward.
No longer settling for toxic friendships, setting boundaries with confidence, released shame in self-pleasure & s.x, feeling confident in her skin– so confident that she’s showing off her
yoni-casting to all her friends and not giving two sh*ts about what they think of her.
She KNOWS it’s beautiful. She KNOWS she’s beautiful.
If you want to KNOW you belong amongst a crowd of women, if you want to KNOW you’re beautiful, if you want to KNOW what’s available when you embody confidence & release shame from your body, then do whatever you need to do to come to the next workshop. If you don’t see one available near you, reach out and let’s collaborate!!